What we do
We study, design and implement long term sustainable human settlements from housing to urban and territorial planning. Our design process relies on permaculture principles and techniques and implement green and grey designs that conjugate climatic, geographical and biological resources of a territory to serve and sustain its inhabitants, human and non-human. Our adaptive designs intend to not only resist major environmental and climate challenges, but take advantage and strive on them. That is hyper adaptation. HATCHabitat teams are gathering architects, urban and territorial planners, geographers, landscape engineers, environmentalists, anthropologists as well as land artists.


How we do it
Permaculture starts by observing the land then shaping it to take advantage of all its multidimensional features. It does so with a minimum effort for the maximum benefits and results. Shaping the land is not a simple nor a single definitive action, it is a dynamic that happen at various speed within various functional processes: mechanical, chemical, biological, cultural and psychological. Everything takes its place by a succession of states that interact at multiple level. It takes observation, to plan, assess, modify and adjust plans, again and again. It takes patience to understand the complexity at play from which will result life and abundance. it takes rigor and humility to master the specificity of each terrain. It is an art as much as a science. Landscaping is about accompanying the flows, slowing them down, understanding the cycles, turning them in long term productive forces rather than destructive ones.
Proper architecture is the concrete materialization of enduring human relationships. Its harmony is function of how elaborated these relationships are among its inhabitants, as well as the expression of the quality of the relationship the community maintain with its natural environment. Infrastructures are the functional elements that energize and facilitate these relationships. Well thought out, they are like acupuncture points on the energy network of a living system. Both, architecture and infrastructures, are not independent objects in themselves but part of a biological ensemble, a skeleton of a pulsing complex entity. Architecture starts by understanding thoroughly this entity, starting by listing and assessing it fundamental needs and desires. Architecture is the exoskeleton of a living social body.
Destroying one’s environment starts by misreading then abusing or disregarding one’s real resources. Researching, listing, analyzing and experimenting with existing resources; re-discovering overlooked ones are the primary skills to develop and propagate. Communication and interaction with local communities is essential. Modern technical and scientific approach being of a tremendous help to traditional habitat as much as the inverse has been often demonstrated. Though mutual benefits happens not only from the material point of view, but also from cultural and psychological angles. Some communities do prioritize group's solidarity and cohesion through mutual support rather than individual material property sturdiness, other will rather value their flexibility and adaptability according to variable environmental conditions. Resilience and hyper-adaptation to a rapidly changing world will require multilevel of strategies and creativity.
Current Project

Udalo river is now overflowing on a regular base. The erosion of the land is charging its waters, making them even more destructive. Reaching the sea its siltation is threatening the coral reefs.

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Philippe COUTURE
Project Coordinator
After studying and practicing architecture in Paris, Philippe oriented his carrier to the cinema industry where he worked on long feature films and advertising. He then turned his interest to documentary film making, writing and travelling. Roaming the world for over two decades, he published articles in magazines such as Geo Magazine, VSD, El Païs; and produced and directed films that have been broadcast on national and international channels as well as film festivals. Becoming an award wining film maker, he grew more and more concerned by the fast evolving social and environmental degradation worldwide. His personal research about complex systems lead him to permaculture, for which he got his first certification in 2010. Since then he has been designing and leading projects, applying permaculture principles, concepts and techniques in Haiti, France, Hong Kong and now the Philippines.

Architect, Engineer and Professor
After early career in Hong Kong and France working for several engineering and architecture firms, Cyrille created with Olivier Leclercq their agency AIR (Architectures Ingénieries Recherches) in 2000. AIR realized several public buildings (schools, community centers, medical and para-medical centers, etc.) as well as public housings. He has been teaching since 2006 at l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris Belleville and is now the Program Director of a post-diploma class Specializing in Major Risks. After leading architecture missions in places such as Haiti and Peru, he developed a research around precarious habitats in Ile de France, then in Calais and in Grande Synthe working on refugees issues from 2015. From these various experiences and concerned by the concept of “person’s dignity” in their living environment he created with his associate Olivier and other concerned actors the NGO Actes & Cités in 2015.

Olivier Leclercq
Architect & Urban Planner
Olivier studied architecture at UCL in Tournai, Belgium, and in Karlsruhe, Germany. He then studied urban planning in Lille, France. He completed missions in London and Warsaw for the French Ministry of Economy & Finances, before spending 2 years working on humanitarian and development projects in Abidjan, Africa. Back in Paris he worked 2 more years with the Architecture Studio agency before opening his own, the AIR (Architectures, Ingeniéries et Recherches) agency, in association with Cyrille Hanappe. The AIR agency integrates in the same strutcture architecture design, engineering and researches. Their work tends toward promoting citizen appropriation of their building and spaces as well as integrating environmental issues in innovative ways.

Architect, Urban Planner & Landscape Engineer
Once graduated in architecture in Venice, Massimo, left Italy and settled in Paris, where he specialized in landscape engineering (ENSP Versailles). After 15 years of practice as a project manager in the field of urban renewal and landscape architecture, he started his own activity as a consultant in urban planning and urban resilience and he is also senior consultant in urban planning and landscape architecture for A+I architects and engineers (Paris, Bordeaux).
Since 2007 he’s been developing a proactive approach dealing with the integration of climate change effects in the urban, architectural and landscape design process, which he pursued further through obtaining a master in Architecture and Major Risks in 2014. Global strategic vision, interdisciplinary approach, social awareness, are the keywords of his researches, applied in different projects: field missions in Haiti, Peru, and Cambodia.
Massimo is convinced that a social participatory approach (bottom-up thinking) is one of the keys of success of sustainable urbanism. Therefore since 2013 he is involved in various digital tools development projects focusing on co-construction and knowledge sharing.

Architect Specialised in Major Risks
Diploma DPLG in 2014, Luc specialised then in major risks through the DSA Risques Majeurs of ENSA Paris Belleville. He spent 6 months dedicated to the study of seismic building techniques in high risk zones taught by specialists such as M. Grosso or Milan Zacek. During his studies he joined several missions, one in Japan following the 2011 tsunami, one in China to learn about bamboo building and another one in Nepal following the earthquake in 2015, where he worked with UNESCO on the Durbar square of Kathmandu. He has been educated to respond to flooding risks working on a 6 months project in South West of France to mitigate the flash flooding around the city of Lourdes. Luc has been working for the two last years for a Parisian agency specialized in France heritage’s rehabilitation, though he keeps participating to numerous mission by his own to deepen his researches about urban resilience.

Christophe CORMY
Christophe Frank Donat CORMY graduated in architecture last june 2016 ( he received the « special jury prize » of ESA for his degree projects on waste recycling) ,Christophe Have been study at École Spéciale d'architecture (ESA) in Paris and at Hongik university in Seoul. During his studies he joined severals missions namely: in Mancora, Peru in june 2014 after winning competition (master class of the Studio of Fabienne Bulle), where he designed and built a house in Bamboo of 100 m2 for a family and one in Chandur, In India where he joined a project of earthbag construction houses which is an inexpensive method using mostly local soils to create structures which are both strong and can be quickly built. After his graduation he created and founded the NGO IKIKO. The IKIKO project involves the construction of a new village for the Badjao tribe of Isabel there were 350 people in Leyte island (the Philippine archipelago). There are 50 houses will be build in total, as of today 20 are already built (the end of the construction is estimate in august 2017) and one multipurpose building was built already.
Contact us
Philippines: +63 915 446 75 02
Hong Kong: +852 53 04 67 17
France: +33 6 15 21 85 44